the blog
Coping Skills For Healing
Expand your coping skills, gain valuable knowledge, build self-compassion and heal those emotional wounds.
Breaking Free from Perfectionism: How to Let Go Without Losing Yourself
Why Perfectionism Feels Safe (But Isn’t) For some of us, perfectionism might feel like an old, familiar companion. Maybe you double-check every email before sending it. Or replay conversations in your mind, wondering if you said the “right” thing. Perhaps you hold...
Building Self-Esteem When You Feel Worthless: 9 Small Steps That Make a Big Difference
Self-esteem can feel out of reach, but small, intentional steps can make a big difference. From practicing affirmations to challenging criticism, discover 9 actionable ways to rebuild your confidence and embrace your worth.
4 Ways to Reduce Anxiety Now
When anxiety gets too high, it can become overwhelming. Learn 4 strategies to quickly and effectively reduce the intensity of that emotion.
Using Distraction Techniques To Cope with Intense Emotions
Using Distraction Techniques To Cope with Intense Emotions We all have moments when our emotions become really intense and we’re desperate for strategies to help us calm that down. Distraction techniques are a set of helpful tools that can turn down the heat and allow...
Why is Change So Hard?
Change is hard. And sometimes, it’s exceptionally hard, whether it's about changing negative thoughts, changing how you react to conflict, or changing your self-care habits. So why is it so darn hard? [PREFER TO WATCH THE VIDEO? Click here.] Imagine sitting...
Create Better Boundaries in 5 Steps
Building healthy boundaries is one way of protecting ourselves in the world. Find out more about boundaries and how to go about implementing them.
Emotional Regulation for Parents
Emotional regulation is the skill of managing our feelings so that they don’t spin out of control. But how can we practice this skill while parenting?
How to Change Your Negative Thoughts
One of the most powerful influences on our mood is our thoughts. Learn how to change your negative thoughts so you can feel better.
How to Teach Your Kids About Emotions
Being able to label your feelings is the foundation of healthy coping. So teaching kids about emotions early is key for their future success.
What is Trauma?
What is trauma, what causes it, and what are common symptoms in response? Get the answers to all of your questions as well as hope for overcoming it.
Intercultural Relationships: Navigating Different Perspectives
Different perspectives abound within intercultural relationships. Learn how to navigate these differences and find common ground.
Parent Guilt: What To Do When It’s Warranted
Parent guilt seems to be one of those things that just comes with the territory. But when is it legit versus a false alarm? And what do we do about it?
I Yelled At My Child… Now What?
If you yelled at your child, you’re not alone and t’s not too late to make it better. Learn how to repair your relationships with your child.
How to Build a Secure Attachment With Your Child
How to Build a Secure Attachment With Your Child We all want what's best for our children, but who knew we could begin to give them this from day 1? It all starts with building a secure attachment. What is Attachment? You've may have heard of the term...
How to Get Unstuck Using The Power of Thoughts
Our thoughts have enormous power in shaping how we feel. Figure out how to change your thoughts to get unstuck and get on with your life.
Self-Care Doesn’t Have to Be Pretty
We all know self-care is important, but it’s not always pretty. Ditch the tired, old ideas and connect with ideas for effective self-care.
The Upside of Conflict
Many people view conflict as the enemy, but did you know there’s actually an upside of conflict in a marriage? Read on to find out more.
How to Avoid Passing Down Problems to Your Child
Passing down problems to our children is not something any of us seek to do, but most of us don’t know how to avoid it either. Check out my two tips to interrupt this unintended hand-me-down.
Anger Series Part 3: Responding to Your Child’s Anger
Figuring out how to respond to your child’s anger is a big source of stress for parents. Check out these 5 steps to set yourself up for success.
Anger Series Part 2: Building Your Child’s Emotional IQ
Helping your child cope with anger involves building their emotional IQ. Check out the four components of a healthy EQ
Anger Series Part 1: Identifying and Preventing Children’s Triggers to Anger
Preventing children’s anger is one thing most parents wish they could do. Learn two things parents can do to identify triggers and prevent them from occurring.
How to Find a Therapist
Wondering how to find a therapist that’s right for you? I’ve got 5 steps to walk you through the process.
What Happens in Therapy
So you’re wondering “What really happens in therapy?” Read on as I dispel 7 myths about therapy and clue you into what happens behind closed doors.
It’s OK to Feel Uncomfortable
No one wants to feel uncomfortable, but did you know that it’s actually necessary for growth? Read on to learn how discomfort can lead to positive change.
Parenting in a Pandemic
Tending to your child’s mental health is already difficult, but parenting in a pandemic presents a whole new set of challenges. I’ve got some quick tips that are sure to help both you and your child get through this trying time.
How to Uncover Your Calm
Feeling calm is important, but convincing ourselves to practice the tools that get is there is more complicated. Read on as I share how I did it.
How Giving can Shape Your Marriage
What happens when you create a marriage based on giving to each other? Read on to find the surprising result.
How to Cope When Your Child is Different
Being a parent of any child can be challenging. But parenting a child who is different can be even harder. Check out these 4 tips for getting through.
How to Cope with Uncertainty (A Parent’s Guide)
Though we may wish we could see into the future, learning how to cope with uncertainty is a necessary part of the parenting journey. Check out my three tips to help.
How to Radically Accept Life’s Lemons… And Then Move On
Some of life’s hardships come with no invitation, and there’s no way to wish them away. But there are also a number of ways we add to our stress through self-defeating behaviors. This one strategy can help you take back the power and avoid unnecessary suffering in your life.